• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


I have 500GB + 1TB. Both about 30% used.

When do you know you need a larger disk?
As SSD is getting cheaper, I find myself keep thinking that I should buy a bigger one. But this isn't really a decision based on actual need - and I can tell my mind is playing tricks to convince me that "you need to get it because what if you want to install a lot of large games". I'm thinking may be a reasonable criteria instead is to see my current utilization, and buy one only if the utilization exceeds a percentage - say ">80% disk util=> buy a new one" as a rule? What is your criteria to get a bigger disk?

Damn it. Just when I bit the bullet and bought Diablo 4 on Battlenet. I bet whenever they launch Diablo 4 on Steam, they’ll not just transfer my license it to Steam.

Edit: FWIW I’m using the Battlenet launcher with Lutris, and so far it’s far less problematic than Epic. Hasn’t yet forgotten my log in and asked for password again like Epic does every few days which is super annoying (pretty sure this is how they operate on Windows also).

I also use vsync in even game, never realized any benefit turning it off. Never seen any issues with it. I don’t use freesync though.

Hmm no I have no lags at all. Happy to help any tests on my machine if it helps you to diagnose your issue.

The latest versions - DXVK 2.2, lutris-GE-Proton8-10.

Limit VRAM in Lutris
As I play Diablo 4, I see it take up ridiculous amount of VRAM, upwards of 20GB. The game doesn't have very good control over VRAM management, and I think it just doesn't free up any loaded texture if the VRAM size is large. I use Lutris to run Battle.net client and Diablo. Is there any way I can limit VRAM available to it from Wine, DXVK, or Lutris?