Husband, father, kabab lover, history buff, chess fan and software engineer. Believes creating software must resemble art: intuitive creation and joyful discovery.


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


Tell me something I don’t know already 😂 The challenge is helping non-techies understand why they should wean themselves off of FB 🤷‍♂️

“Do you not know my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed?” 🤷‍♂️

RE text: Agreed. I have started a humble campaign (read "one man army 😁) to try to address this insane trend. Joining forces is sincerely apperciated!

I’m already liking it - I’ve switced to it as my main keyboard. I’m actually typing this on my phone (miserably slowly 😂 - it definitely needs practice getting used to.) I think it’s a good practice for the memory muscles & the brain! Thanks.

I installed it. Definitely very different! I’ll give it a fair shot though - looks like there’s been plenty of thought behind its design.

Does it collect/transmit the keystrokes to their server?

Did anyone actually take action?

I’m not sure how to, or if I’m supposed to, since I’m based in Canada.