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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Security theater: All you stuff is encrypted but they have the decryption keys

Proprietary App Store: The apps and the store itself are proprietary and I don’t trust Apple.

Gaslighting their customers: Images shared with Android users from iPhone are purposely crushed to a unreviewable quality. The idea is to convince people that Android takes terrible photographs.

The beautiful thing about git is it could be rolled back to previous versions. Everything is cryptographically signed to each developer. As long as someone has the repo cloned locally, which we know several people do, everything can be restored.

You know what’s better than grabbing binaries? The source code. Several people have already cloned the repo and someone else will pick up development. There is no reason to panic.

How do I install piped into my Roku?

My vote is Debian with the Cinnamon desktop. Enable Flatpak and your friend should be good to go.