I worship a shitload of deities and you should too


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


Lots of websites seem to be doing it these days. The worst I’ve seen is CNN, which has over 40 per page.

Speaking of privacy nightmare, I opened this link in a browser with Noscript and there are TWENTY TWO SCRIPTS trying to run on this one page. That is the second worst I have ever seen.

Making your own server can seem daunting at first, and there is a learning curve at the beginning, but if you like tech it’s a great way to learn how computers and networks work.

And with access disabled you can still ssh tunnel into them right?

Welcome to our exclusive club :)

It does suck, I feel you. Lost every single photograph I took in the early 2000s back around 2008 because of a failed hard drive that I never backed up. I have five backups now that I test regularly of all my personal data.

I have a feeling we’ll be seeing this more and more often as Proton improves

I have it bc I still need to download apps via Play Store on Graphene. Don’t use it for anything else tho

Agreed, my penis could easily be mistaken for a child’s