Just chilling

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Can’t wait for this company to be public and to be subject to the whims of shareholders chasing profit.

I don’t actually use it to control anything, though I have in the past had an automation to turn off the dryer because GE is total crap and the sound on/off button busted, but the sound is super annoying. But anyway yeah, I’m actually only using these outlets for their sensors to decide if the machines are on or off.

FWIW I accomplish this with a zigbee outlet on the washer and dryer (dryer is gas, so it’s not a 50a circuit). It has stats on power consumption and I have a home assistant sensor set up so that when it drops below a threshold for a period of time, it counts the washer/dryer as off and notifies me.

And tar | gpg is handy if you want more than a few files encrypted for transport.

That’s bated breath btw. Unless you’re tryna catch something with your CO2.

I don’t get out and about at all and I have a 3090 in my PC but I still use my deck a ton. It’s amazing for getting some games in between housework or kinda just whenever. To each their own, but I’ve heard the same story many times from different deck users.

That’ll also depend on whether you’re on a personal device that’s using DoH (DNS over HTTPS). Which most phones do by default now. If you haven’t disabled that then they’ll only know IP addresses which are often not actually owned by or even unique to specific websites these days.

Well obviously it was fine because they had a secret motto not to be evil which is basically impossible to backtrack on.

Wait, what’s that? They backtracked once it was no longer profitable? 😲