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Cake day: Mar 18, 2024


Worth a shot. I’m on Proton Experimental. But the other major differences between our systems are OS and GPU. I’m on Kubuntu 24.04 and an RX 6800 XT with mesa drivers.

Ah, sorry, you didn’t specify. I did just test it out on my machine, and main menu and fatal blows were basically just locked at 30. If that’s not what you’re seeing, I guess I’d try verifying game files next.

I believe those cut-scenes are locked to a lower frame rate for performance and storage space reasons, on consoles especially. In other words, I don’t believe it’s a problem with your system, and it’s likely working as intended.

Man, that was it; or at least, it doesn’t complain about IPX not being installed anymore. I didn’t know you could just make up a name for any library not listed and it would still know to override it. Thanks! I’ll run a LAN test between my desktop and Steam Deck, and if it’s all working, I’ll document it on PC Gaming Wiki and update this thread.

This is exactly what I thought was happening, and theoretically, it’s exactly what I recreated in Heroic, give or take the frame rate limit. However, while things like the controller remapping config files are clearly working, the IPX networking fix is not. For one, things like wsock32, verbatim anyway, aren’t present in the list of library overrides at all, and that list of libraries I put in the original post, that appear in the Lutris install, don’t appear in the Lutris script. I looked for some extra scripts in the github directories to see if there were other instructions that were being run outside of this script (that’s what you told me to look for, right?), but the only thing I found in there seemed to be a copy of part of this same Lutris script.

Thanks. For some reason it occurred to me to hit up the Heroic Discord but not the Lutris one.

SOLVED Is there anyone here fluent in Lutris who can help me decipher this install script?
I got Star Wars Episode I Racer from GOG on a sale for dirt cheap back around May 4th. I've been trying to get it working via Heroic ever since, particularly the multiplayer, which is fixed via mods. The Lutris script definitely does all of this super easy, but not only would I like to have it working via Heroic for the gamepad controls navigation, I'd also like to pay it forward and document these steps on the PC Gaming Wiki. Unfortunately, while I thought I could tell what this script was doing after scouring the Lutris script documentation, I haven't managed to crack it, and the Heroic install of the game complains about not having IPX installed when I boot it. https://lutris.net/games/install/13260/view With the Lutris install of the game and the Heroic install of the game side by side in WineCFG, I can see that that there are library overrides set for: - dplaysvr.exe - dplayx - dpmodemx - dpnet - dpnhpast - dpnhupnp - dpnsvr.exe - dpwsockx All "(native)". For some reason they're sorted to the top of the library overrides and marked with an asterisk, and what's more, I don't see any hint of these ones in the Lutris install script, but they got set somehow, and I don't see the libraries here that are listed in the script. There are also several ways to use the mod fix, including the DLL override and the EXE patcher. The EXE patcher just crashes and dies right away when I run it in the Wine prefix via Heroic, and I once again don't see any hint in the Lutris script that the patcher executable is being run. And if it wasn't clear up until this point, I did download the 3 files at the top of the Lutris script and extract them to the Heroic game directory. Are there any Lutris experts here who can help me figure out what I'm missing? **UPDATE:** The fix was, of course, very simple. Thanks to [@bjoern_tantau@swg-empire.de](https://swg-empire.de/u/bjoern_tantau)! The thing that prevented it from working was the wsock32 override. Just because it's not in the list of library overrides, that doesn't mean you can't just type it in yourself. I've updated [the PC Gaming Wiki](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Episode_I_-_Racer) with instructions for any time travelers from the future.

Again, Windows 8 Pro, forcibly upgraded against my will, with no ability to decline, to Windows 10 Home. It wasn’t the same version of Windows downgraded from Pro to Home.

Ads in Windows 10 back in like 2017 were major contributing factors for me to switch back then. But then when I mentioned I got ads in Windows 10, people looked at me like I had two heads. Perhaps there was some kind of A/B testing going on, and I was the unlucky one. This followed a forced update from Windows 8 Professional to Windows 10 Home, so I lost some control over my PC in that transition, as they took Pro features away from me.

Are you on Ubuntu or a derivative? The only thing I can offer is to install your updates and reboot. That fixed it for me, after months of being a problem, and I can only guess it was pulse audio related, because that one was in the list of updates I got.

Yeah, I just installed updates and rebooted yesterday, and now it’s gone (knock on wood) after several months of experiencing it. I noticed Pulse Audio was in the list of updates, but I’m not savvy enough to know what the real problem was or what’s fixed it.

Thanks for the idea, but unfortunately it didn’t work for me, even trying several times with the game open and closed. Are you on a similar Ubuntu distro flavor?

Crunchy audio coming through some Proton games on desktop but not on Steam Deck
Hi, folks. A bit of an unusual problem here. In some Proton games, in semi-predictable places, I'll get this audio crunch noise. It's not deafeningly loud or anything, but it is distracting sometimes. I first heard it when playing Starfield, and it was most common when loading into a city environment. This crunchy audio sounds kind of like when Hollywood simulates corrupt or glitchy video recordings, and it's in addition to, not really in place of, the other audio in the scene, as far as I can tell. Because Starfield is a sci-fi game, I initially thought it was either supposed to be there or that it was there for everyone on Windows as some kind of Bethesda technical shenanigans. Then I noticed it in Horizon: Zero Dawn, a game I had played through 7 years ago on PS4, so I was familiar with the sounds in that game. It was much more rare there, and I had a hard time pinning down a pattern. As I'm now playing through Pillars of Eternity II, it's much more noticeable, as it tends to happen whenever you continue the dialogue to the next step by hitting "1. Continue" or whatever other dialogue options the game gives you, but how frequently it shows it can vary wildly by location. Sometimes I won't hear it for hours, and sometimes it's every time I click to continue the conversation. I wish I could show you what this audio sounds like. I encountered an area in Neketaka where this glitch happens frequently, so I set up OBS and recorded it, only to find that the audio glitch didn't make it into the recording. "Maybe it's my speakers?" I thought, but I also get this glitch through headphone jack with a shielded audio cable. I tried the game on Steam Deck, which also defaults to running the game through Proton instead of native, and the same scene via cloud save was glitchless. I found some search results saying that some "audio niceness" value may have been exceeded, but when I turned on logging, I didn't see any evidence that that's what's happening to me as the thread explained that I should, and trying the advice they offered anyway, I saw no difference. I've tried Proton 7, 8, and experimental, and they all behave the same; Steam Deck says Valve selected Proton 8, for what that's worth, and my kernel is newer than the one Steam Deck uses, though that is Valve's custom kernel. I'm on Kubuntu 23.10 and kernel 6.5.0-26-generic. There are a couple of reasons why I chose to run Pillars of Eternity II, in particular, via Proton that I won't bore you with, and I may be able to get around this more-pervasive-than-average problem for this game specifically by running it natively, but I'd still like to solve this problem for all of my future Proton games if possible, and I can fairly reliably reproduce the issue here to be sure that it's gone after making changes. Does anyone know where I can start looking? Has anyone run into this problem personally?