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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I don’t hate Apple in terms of privacy. I hate Apple for a myriad of other reasons. Mostly related to locked down ecosystems.

It’s $5/month with an annual subscription, but then you can’t go month to month like Mullvad.

They have their own transmitters over cellular network.

That’s like saying there’s no point in having bathroom doors because everyone can see you going in.

Mozilla’s privacy not included guide reviews three drones: https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/categories/toys-games/

No idea if those are what you’re looking for, but perhaps you can get an idea of the practices those 3 companies do in general (one of them is DJI so would be good for comparison so least)

Is it FUD if it’s a direct quote from Nissan’s privacy policy?