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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Bluewallet, bitcoin. I’ve found quite a few Bitcoin Kiosks in the wild (U.S), which still requires a 20, but can go a long way with no need to identify yourself anywhere.

Personally I’ve used it a few times, I tend to get my answer significantly easier than wading through the shit results DDG has been giving me.

Tor is also so ungodly slow as a browser. At least in mt experience many years ago. Plus one on the VPN. Best way to stay hidden unless someone REALLY wants to know who you are, and has big money behind them.

This only works when using Mobile Data. You will most likely have the same WAN address if using WiFi. Dynamic WAN addresses do change periodically, however at the whim of your ISP. Now unless you pay for a static IP address, this local WAN address is also useless. Hell even a static IP address doesn’t open you up to much harm.

As far as geolocation goes: IP’s are given in blocks, no one will be able to get your precise location, only what ever your ISP is broadcasting.

My location will sometimes show Seattle, other times MPLS, all depends on whichever route it takes.

But are you on wifi or mobile data, gotta know before doing absolutely nothing with that information

Face paint would be mind blowing, what will all the football fans do?

Its gotten like three updates in the last month. I will agree the refresh issue is annoying.

The developer has done a fine job at adding requested features, and fixing most bugs that come up as long as you let them know.