I’d rather be sleeping.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


I somehow didn’t even consider that as an option. I’ll look into that. Thank you.

I want a lamp that fades on as an alarm in the morning, and doesn’t require an internet connection. What options do I have?

I assume Sync doesn’t work for history and bookmarks if its not using the FF servers.

The biometric data collection is for X Premium users only

Weird. Why?

Not sure if the author reads replies but I love this bot.

Well this is great news. My coworkers have been no-lifing this game and I’ve been refusing to buy, seeing as I’d be “locked out” when the new anti-cheat hit.

I got it specifically to cut down on my social media usage (clearly not working because here I am lol) so for me that was a good thing.

Any good online shooters?
The only reason I boot up Windows at this point is to play shooters with EAC. What do you guys play if you're looking for a quick 20-minute firefight?