Hi, I’m lena (15) Interests include music, politics, videogames, etc. Socialist (willing to argue about it)

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 04, 2023


While this is undesirable, you can’t expect a corporation to break the law for you just because. proton at least is better than the rest of the corporate, for-profit providers who sell your data to the highest bidder.

Some devices have unofficial ports, so check your phone’s XDA page

Or you can do what i did and opt for a GSI if your phone supports phh treble

iirc the librem 5 has hardware switches, which are such a comforting feature to have

Aurora store (google-dependant but at least it’s anonymous) and f-droid exist

Im pretty sure this feature is from the upstream lineageOS, for those without a pixel

If you really care about privacy, self-hosting is the only way to go. Gives you maximum control over your data and is not too difficult to set up.