Privacy, Technology, FOSS

I want to remove all proprietary software from my life.

Linux[Arch on Desktop, Debian in Homelab] and GrapheneOS User

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Why? Because it is down or because you just noticed that is is basicly just a Bing-Proxy?

I thought about a Hyundai i20N. If it is not possible i am just buying a BMW e36 or e46

Remove Modem/SimCard from a Car
I want to buy a new car, but it needs to be privacy friendly. Sadly you cannot really buy any new Car that is. Has anybody any experience on making your modern car not phone home to its company, by removing the hardware it uses to do?

protontricks (WARNING): Steam library folder not found. Protontricks might not have access to the di
**Describe the bug** I am trying to install AssettoCorsa but it seems like Protontricks does not find the right path. protontricks (WARNING): Steam library folder /run/media/username/LinuxSeagate4TB/SteamLibrary not found. Protontricks might not have access to the directory. **To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:** Run command protontricks --no-background-wineserver 244210 shell Command fails and error is displayed **Expected behavior** No Error and correct directory displayed. correct would be /mnt/LinuxSeagate4TB/SteamLibrary **System (please complete the following information):** Distro: [Fedora Linux 38 (Workstation Edition) x86_64] Protontricks installation method: [dnf install protontricks] Protontricks version: protontricks (1.10.3) Steam version: 1689034492