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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Dec 29, 2024


I’m not from England, but damm this is absolutely terrible. England already has a LOT of cameras everywhere to track people. They work hard to try and track people everywhere. Hence why this is scary cause this might actually go through due to how anti-privacy they seem to be.

Ooh, one more thing. Reddit has two different blocks. One is this network security one. This is client side and therefore, uBlock can bypass it with ease. There’s another one reddit has, but its server side and it shows up if malicious activity have exited from the same public IP your VPN is originating from. So simply changing your ‘origin’ is a solution in this case. However, the latter type of block is much more rare

True ^^ Hope it’ll help. Stay safe.

Privacy Friendly Alternative to Paypal
I use PayPal to be the middle man to protect my credit card information when I purchase items online. Of course I have grown less fond of PayPal and their scammy behavior (plus the password limit is 20, wtf?) My question; is there an alternative to paypal to buy things online (without crypto as not all stores take such things), such as privacy.com (but for Europe). Correct mw if im wrong, but I believe privacy.com is for US, Canada region. My bank doesn't offer virtual credit cards sadly.

As i recall, ALL apps in google play store, have to have some sort of google shit embedded into it. Therefore, its better to download something outside of google if you want to remain degoogled.

True. I am one of those. I just use duckduckgo or swisscows or brave search.

Stealer logs is pretty bad. Very bad to be fair. It means your computer is infected and have stolen all your saved passwords.

Reinstall your operating system completely. Take note of your accounts and change all their passwords. Start with your email address as its the most important one.

I have an old email from when I was like 7 and signed up on a range of different gaming websites.

Now however, I use proton mail. They even own SimpleLogin, so all I do it generate hundreds of email aliases. No website know my actual email address and each mail received to these aliases, are forwarded to my actual proton mail account. Using Keepass or another password manager of choice, is a wise idea so you don’t have to remember all these accounts. Simple! Both secure, and private as it would be difficult to identify each account to an identity

Since Pavel Durov; the CEO of Telegram got arrested, I just instinctly have avoided telegram all together. I actually stopped two years before he got arrested as I just simply felt uneasy with the app. No encryption by default. Using obfuscation rather than encryption. But that’s just my opinion. Jumped over to signal and feeling much happier