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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Feb 21, 2024


Protecting your network from internet-bound threats is one of the most important jobs of a router, and that involves receiving security updates. Once your router no longer receives security updates, you should stop using it.

What you’d buy is “domain.com” and can then redirect any emails of the form “<anything>@domain.com” or even things like “<anything>@<anything>.domain.com”.

In fact, any email ending in “.domain.com” or “@domain.com”. And you could set up a wildcard to catch all emails without having to setup that specific email first.

Yeah I see the argument that any content behind an internet connection is DRM, but I think that stance is a bit extreme.

There are a handful of real problems on that list, but it’s like 3/20.

It’s important to maintain this list and call them out though. If I can’t expect GoG games to be DRM free I might as well just use Steam where plenty of games are still DRM free but other features of the platform are a bit better.

Oof I haven’t heard of this. That’s like the whole selling point of GoG. What games have DRM?

Buy CD’s and DvDs. Check if a game has DRM before buying it (or just buy from GoG where DRM is banned). Run some flavor of Linux.

Go read the GitHub issue. The main difficulty in implementing reproducible builds is the code signing Apple requires as well as other tweaks Apple makes to modify the binary from what the dev submits to what gets downloaded from the App Store. Note that Android already has reproducible builds. Also the reason the GitHub issue was closed wasn’t “refusal” to implement the feature, they wanted to move the discussion to their forums.

If your problem with signal is that it isn’t self-hosted, just self-host it? It’s all open source.