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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


It stops when you don’t sign up to a beta to test drivers for the sole purpose of data collection I guess.

Yeah because it’s harder to bitch and moan about data collection when you’re opting in to a program that is literally for data collection.

Not really sure how this is “dystopian”. Could you explain? It’s a beta program specifically for data collecting.

These are BETA DRIVERS. The point of beta releases is data collection.

You can also simply opt out if you want.

Mountain out of a mole hill.

  1. Don’t install beta products if you don’t want to partake in said beta.

  2. Read what you’re agreeing to and opt out of the data collection if you don’t want to have your data collected.

Probably because they need your phone number to verify the account. If you don’t like it, delete your account (knowing they still have your phone number because you gave it to them).

If you didn’t want them having it, why did you give it to them in the first place?

GDPR only applies to those in Europe btw. Not everyone can just use gdpr regulations to have their information removed.

I have no idea tbh. What you want goes against privacy, so there’s probably nothing that you can use on Android.

Living in a poor neighborhood, on the other hand, does not imply that I, personally, am less likely to pay back loans.

Statistically it absolutely would, just like it does for insurance.

BTW no one “sells” that type of data because it’s the access to it that they want. They will sell access to you via ads, but they won’t give over the data. They will let someone pay for ads to be targeted to people that went to X location.

This is what google do. The person suggesting google maps is literally telling you to use the biggest ad company in the world’s product if you want privacy lol.

Insurance being higher has nothing to do with privacy though. If you live in an area that the insurance company has a higher number of claims from, you’re statistically more likely to make a claim, so they charge more to factor that risk in.

That’s not anything to do with privacy though. How do you think someone’s privacy is breached in that situation?

Insurance companies the world over already do this. If you live in a high crime area based on insurance claims your insurance will be higher. Has nothing to do with privacy.

It’s not just checking that you’re running in an un-modified OS, that’s just one part of it.

It doesn’t disable ad-blockers or custom css btw. And anyway, websites can already detect when you’re using an ad-blocker and not show you their content. This isn’t needed for that.

If the point is so websites can trust that you’re a person then the captchas aren’t needed.

The only real benefit to users that I can think of is that it could eliminate the need for captchas.