
Open source developer & privacy advocate.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Waterfox is a neat project, but is often slow to implement security patches from Firefox upstream.

Materialious doesn’t use remote fonts by default, only as a backup if local font loading fails. For some reason ublock in hard mode makes local font fail loading & remote font is used.

Materialious contains zero trackers. Believe this was a issue with ublock falsely flagging local fonts as trackers or something, someone else open a issue on the repo with a similar issue. Feel free to review the source code for any trackers.

Materialious - Desktop & Android client
Materialious now can be used as a Desktop or Android application. Allowing it to be used for any Invidious instance! https://github.com/Materialious/Materialious/tree/main?tab=readme-ov-file

Home page is the “popular” page what is pulled from Invidious’ API. Basically just the popular videos people have been watching on that instance.

Thanks for your interested. Currently this is just a alternative frontend for Invidious. But I am open to integrating other services into Materialious.

For the last month I've been working on a modern, material you interface for Invidious. [Github](https://github.com/WardPearce/Materialious) (Leave a star if you want) [Hosted instance](https://materialio.us/) # Features - Sponsorblock built-in. - Return YouTube dislikes built-in. - Video progress tracking & resuming. - No ads. - No tracking. - Light/Dark themes. - Custom colour themes. - Integrates with Invidious subscriptions, watch history & more. - Live stream support. - Dash support. - Chapters. - Audio only mode. - Playlists. - PWA support. ![](https://lemmy.nz/pictrs/image/c99bf0b7-38b2-41e9-83d2-311ba32e8468.png) ![](https://lemmy.nz/pictrs/image/9dd388d5-2578-4154-9090-9ff81a2e47fe.png) ![](https://lemmy.nz/pictrs/image/3ace1327-8e02-4e2d-8f1d-912795634435.png) ![](https://lemmy.nz/pictrs/image/2ef8c0c8-1d93-4144-9521-187280b04b7c.png) ![](https://lemmy.nz/pictrs/image/0938f72e-2088-41b9-9e0f-091165dc91e9.png) ![](https://lemmy.nz/pictrs/image/17e23825-5c4f-4d9f-af13-0ffe1c3e971e.png)

Might even include some free viruses!

Visit our site: https://purplix.io Support us on Github: https://github.com/WardPearce/Purplix.io ## What is Purplix Survey? Purplix Survey is a free & open source survey tool what can't read your questions & answers. With traditional surveys you are one data breach, one rouge employee or one government warrant away from all your user's data being exposed. Purplix uses modern encryption techniques to keep your user's data away from any actors. ### How does it work? #### Questions, Descriptions & Title encryption When you create a survey, we encrypt your title, descriptions & questions with a secret key. This key is then stored encrypted in your keychain. When you share your survey with others using a link, the key is stored in the link for your participants. This ensures that your survey questions can only be read by your participants. #### Answers encryption Every survey has its own unique key pair. The private key is securely stored in your keychain, while the public key is used by users to encrypt their answers. Only you have the means to decrypt the answers once they are submitted. When you share a survey, we include a hash of the public key in the URL to prevent main-in-the-middle attacks. #### Preventing spam & multiple submissions Survey creators can opt-in to use VPN blocking, requiring a Purplix account or IP blocking. IP blocking works by storing a hash of the IP salted with a key not stored by Purplix, minimizing the attack surface of tracking submission locations, these IP hashes are only stored for 7 days or until the survey closes. Users will always be informed when any of these features are enabled. Fill out a survey! https://purplix.io/s/651e32f0ab4897a99d28ea0e/CCpu5Nd8guMbuEw-jIEv10l6ICSvdCr84AtRYf9fPWk#905wt-r_OcvYfhQKhdS2Cjc1HXm7Vw6W_sm--9GkaOw ![](https://lemmy.nz/pictrs/image/446ad955-7e66-4723-9fb4-8a9ff56f5895.png)---- ![](https://lemmy.nz/pictrs/image/9f020332-dc06-4a57-981a-0038f21f6b88.png)

Its considered a highly experimental feature, so enabling it could result in unknown issues or even security issues.

Also Firefox still lacks isolatedProcess https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1565196

I’d imagine Firefox would enable Fission by default if it was actually ready.

I’m happy for you to provide references what prove me wrong.

yes you must not be federated.

My other comment what you must be referring to is “most insecure android stack”, doesn’t have references I agree & it probably should (thats why i edited it to include them) but its also on people to do their own research and if someone is commenting that their stack is insecure, maybe that person could ask me why or do a little research themselves (instead of just downvoting. Or they could just downvote & ask a question too!).

Also I’m not saying down votes is “harassment” thats insane, people can down votes as much as they want. I’m just over people unwilling to see insecurities after I provide references (like in the comment you can’t see responses to)

Shocker not every comment I make will be prefect & if people genuinely wanted to learn ask questions!

Also this whole idea that its a “negative attitude” is insane, I’m literally telling someone the software they use is insecure.

How did I disregard it? He literally provided a reference what countered his own point.

Like please, if you actually have a point to make. I’d love to know how he corrected me at all.

I think trashing is a overstatement, I’m providing references to my point (Also I LOVE firefox and use it on my desktop what i mentioned! It lacks basic security features on Android, that is not trashing on Firefox!) and I was deffo a bit hostile because he was obviously responding in bad faith.

not sure how I’m being smug (please point to my excessive pride in my achievements) but okay, “harassed” is deffo a overstatement but I’m just sick of people like this https://lemmy.nz/comment/1506835 while I’m trying to help people.

But aside that, people shouldn’t be a asshole to someone just because they come off smug 🤷

The amount of Firefox fanboys who will get mad at you for mentioning Android Firefox missing per-site process isolation. I’ve basically made the choice to not mention it anymore because I always get harassed whenever I do lol…

Firefox on desktop is awesome, Mobile should be avoided.

yea original comment included something along the lines of “im not going to buy it even if i don’t need a 3.5mm jack, just out of morals”

if only USB C headphones existed, also 3.5mm jacks aren’t prefect and tend to snap and get warn out quite quickly.

But like your comment is completely beside the point, your allowed to want a headphone jack and u can freely dictate your purchasing habits due to that. But it isn’t anything to do with Morals

“This phone has a port I’m not going to use & I’m angry out of morals”

I’m still on a CRT because most new TV don’t have AVI for some reason, I convert AVI to HDMI on my CRT but its about the morals.

Per-site process isolation is a powerful security feature that seeks to limit exposure of a malicious website/script abusing a security vulnerability. Firefox calls per-site process isolation Fission and is enabled by default on desktop. Fission is not yet enabled by default on Android, and when manually enabled it results in a severely degraded/broken experience. Furthermore Firefox on Android does not take advantage of Android’s isolatedProcess flag for completely sandboxing application services.

Obviously Firefox has it own data isolation, but this doesn’t matter if someone can execute bad actiing code due to lack of process isolation.

As I said I not a fan of Brave (mostly because of the crypto stuff), calling it spyware you could say is hhmmmm “misinformation”. Yes security and privacy are different concepts but they are closely linked. If your browser fails to stop malicious code from being executed, you might find this impacts your privacy.

Matter of facts is, Android Firefox lacks site isolation. Yes you can enable a highly experimental version of site isolation what will break your browser (admitted by your source) and may even fail to isolate sites altogether. Android Firefox doesn’t use isolated processes, a functionality what can’t be enabled.

I’m not sure what your goal is with this discussion, but obviously you don’t have any regard for privacy or security. Your arguments over semantics are obviously in bad fair (and not even accurate to the original discussion).

To reiterate for the millionth time, feel free to use Firefox on Android, I’m avoiding using Firefox due to large security concerns. Once Mozilla finishes implementing site isolation and process isolation, I’ll be the 1st one to move off Brave and into Firefox.

But for your own future reference, actually source articles what support your statements. Otherwise don’t get upset when someone points that out.

Oohh I know what must be happening, the highly experimental features you’ve enabled on Android Firefox must of messed up the pages. Explains why you can’t read.

Enjoy using your insecure browser 😘

haha cope harder friend, by default Firefox lacks site isolation. Enabling it is highly experimental 🤣 Before linking something and claiming I’m spreading misinformation (quite a serious claim to me because i spend my days coding foss privacy focused software) read the entire article 1st and when someone points out your wrong, learn how to take a loss. Also Android Firefox doesn’t take advantage of Android isolated processes, what Android chrome based browser’s do

From the article you linked yourself

Firefox calls per-site process isolation Fission and is enabled by default on desktop. Fission is not yet enabled by default on Android, and when manually enabled it results in a severely degraded/broken experience. Furthermore Firefox on Android does not take advantage of Android’s isolatedProcess flag for completely sandboxing application services.

Read before you send :)

I use Firefox on my PC, but as I stated Firefox on Android is lacking basic security features.

Don’t like Brave or their products. But only decent & safe browser on Android with site isolation etc.

Isn’t opening sadly.

Is this open-source? What are the requirements for a service to be listed?

Just like to say thanks again for the suggestion. Been using my Navidrome (+ Metube) instance for a couple hours with Subtracks client & it’s prefect!

this is /Privacy not /SavingMoney… Spotify (and all the leading platforms) collect data on you.

navidrome looks awesome (including all the amazing third party client options), never heard of it before. Deffo will try!

Alternatives to Spotify/Youtube Music/Deezer?
I've spent a lot of time looking for decent open source alternatives to these platforms. Most alternatives tend to be somewhat buggy or barely work often (In my personal experience.) Can anyone suggest any alternatives they have had a good experience with and use actively?