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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


I thought deckard was supposed to be a standalone VR headset similar to the quest 3.

Force Valve to include an unofficial storefront of a platform that doesn’t support that that operating system at all? Maybe once EPIC officially supports Linux and with their store client and games a case could be made, but that would force steam and epic to come preinstalled on all windows computers too by the same logic.

Adnauseum does load the ad, and clicks some of them.

Aren’t shader caches dependent on your graphics driver version? If your graphics driver gets updated it’ll need to either generate them again or pull the new version from steam.

Media buttons are standardized so they should work. I believe the apex 350 is supported by openRGB for lighting control but I don’t know about what would support the macro keys.