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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


OP, don’t mind them, they’re just being high and mighty with their superiority complexes.

For every thing on this world, there will be people disliking this thing and being very vocal about it.

Better yet: find another argument instead of telling people to stop using the things they like or cannot use an alternative

I got an iPhone 13 from work two days ago and it came pre installed with Apple Store

To be fair most people saying “[android/OEM skin] looks like iOS” also don’t know how iOS looks, they just think that having squircles and blur is being an iOS clone

When’s the last time you used it?

I use it every day to browse Kbin, the only extension I have is Greasemonkey with KES and Redirect Amp to HTML scripts. My adblocking is done via NextDNS for a system wide blocking. For everything else I use Samsung Internet, and now I’m trying out Vivaldi, and the difference is astounding. Firefox takes at least 10 seconds to start loading any page, it lags to a halt when scrolling and it constantly thinks I’m trying to pull to refresh (yes I know it can be disabled).

Unfortunately this little browser called Firefox has an insignificant amount of user share and pretty much no say in anything. While they might take privacy and ad blocking very seriously, they don’t take feedback and their users seriously at all, being very aimed at the “let’s make our userbase even smaller” after each decision or change.

Also, Firefox is only faster than Chrome on synthetic tests on Windows 10, not reflecting real world usage in any shape or form, and on Android it’s just comically slower than any other browser available.

And as a disclaimer, I’m a Firefox user for ever 10 years now, but I fully understand that while we might win some battles here or there, the war is already lost and it’s only a matter of time now. I’m also getting really tired of all the upkeep Firefox demands of me to be usable by my standards and all of Mozilla’s shenanigans.

That’s not how it works on real life. Sure you can invite a handful of people there, but they won’t last because their friends aren’t there, every one is on WhatsApp