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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


The worst part is how confusing it was for older people, who were worried the whole app was going to not work.

Signal was upset that “oh well some people can’t figure out what’s SMS and what’s encrypted”, but that was kind of… good? You could give parents, grandparents, etc an SMS app that was easy as the old one, and secure with the right people.

Don’t get me started on the chat color fiasco. No signal, I SHOULD NOT CHANGE COLOR. I assign colors to people to distinguish them, I don’t change who I am based on who I talk to.

Robot vacuums are something non-tech people love, then they use the app and they don’t love it anymore haha.

Shout out to Valetudo, which saved the day on our chinese roombas.

I am not quite happy with how the current iteration of the documentation no longer supports DIYing the firmware, it is actually still possible and you don’t have to use dustbuilder.

Yeah I’m not super happy with Signal’s level of openness, but I also wouldn’t call it proprietary. It is open source and I could run my own server if I really wanted to, but that would just make it harder.

At the time we were moving from a walled garden to one of 3 encrypted OSS solutions, and I had all of them until we naturally coalesced on one.

SMS at the time didn’t work due to not having cell service, and while we “have” RCS now to solve that issue, I don’t know anyone who uses it.

Yes, this is correct.

I could not have used SMS for most of the day since I worked on the top floor of a multi-level basement. I had wifi and a VPN though.

At the time I moved to signal, Google Message, or chat or whatever was being replaced with Allo and Duo and everyone was pretty un-jazzed about the whole thing.

At the time I was changing to signal, I only had google messages on my desktop, so I would answer accumulated messages at home.

There was no cell service at work so SMS didn’t work, but I could use wifi.

In modern times, we have RCS so it’s kind of not really a problem anymore, but everyone I know uses signal now anyways.

I didn’t make it hard, I got Telegram and Matrix and met people halfway where I could. But naturally everyone I know just settled on signal since it also did SMS so it replaced an app rather than added one. Plus id didn’t feel like a “sign up” since it just worked. Those days are gone but the network effect is already chugging along.

I make the private option easier than the locked in version.

Homeassistant will let us see our locations, run lights, run media centers, control AC, etc. So why do you need Google Home or Google Maps Location Sharing?

Signal will let us chat over WIFI unlike texts, and I will answer it unlike a Google chat account. Before the SMS death it was easier since it did SMS and signal in one app, easier to convince someone if it can replace the old one and add new features.

I configure two SSIDs, one for things I trust and one for those I don’t. I can run firewall rules and add security on the backend where they can’t see it.

Tiktok you can run a campaign against it by saying it damages cognition, is harmful to youth, supports the CCP.

You can run a pi hole style filter list,ehich might break some stuff so you have to be willing to play tech support.

I don’t know anything about kids but it couldn’t hurt to teach them some simple skills like html so they get a taste for what’s happening behind the scenes.