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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Okay, thanks. I tested a bunch of articles in duckduckgo and haven’t come across that yet, but I’ll test a cross browsers and see what happens. I’ll pay attention to the fading text.

Have you tried a different browser but still using the archive pages?

Which article? That is interesting, I haven’t had that issue yet, but I just started using these archived pages a couple weeks ago so I’m curious about their limits

The archive sites work great, even for WSJ articles. I just checked after I saw your comment saying archive.ph doesn’t work for WSJ articles, and it works fine for archiving WSJ articles.

I like crypto, but I feel much more strongly about It being a ridiculous reason to not like a browser.

Haha, crypto hate but at least equal browsing abilities with major browsers.

I totally agree.

So crypto hate and the author doesn’t personally like Brendan eich.

Oh and they will run ads if you let them, like Firefox, ie and Safari.

Not very damning, but thanks for reiterating the spirit of my original comment.

You make a vague, boring claim with neither evidence nor sources.

Ah, thank you, distrusting Peter thiel is at least tangentially relevant and certainly understandable(thiel-creepy brave-trustworthy?)

I would choose Firefox before ie or safari, but Firefox also sells personalized ads and tracks your keystrokes.

I like foss, and I like smaller companies. When another privacy-based browser comes along after brave sells its soul or gets too popular, I’ll support them too.

Until then, brave is doing pretty good privacy-wise, especially compared to the mainstream alts.

Not at all.

The brave criticisms you see are mostly hot takes about crypto(icrypto jokes are super coool as of '20) but brave(foss) is as good or better than Firefox, IE or safari in terms of privacy.

Firefox can nearly match that privacy with their options, but if you like brave, easier to stick with that.

People always tell me I should trust cops more, this is a handy fact to have in my back pocket.