Twink [undecided]

'98 | pan-AfroEuroAsian

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 12, 2023


Does anyone know how the upcoming EU laws will affect existing platforms?
I'm speaking of the thingy which made Threads not get released in EU due to its link to Instagram. Does it mean all services will be forced to allow users to only use chosen service without up selling like Google does for example? Will Messenger be forced not to require a Facebook login? Will Google no longer be able go require a Google login to play store? I cannot find anything (search engines got shittier so it might be why) and I thirst for this knowledge.

I wish there were guided for privacy nudists. Sure, I use Linux and don’t use google stuff on my phone but I still want gov agents to see my nudes. :(