He/him queer anarchist

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 28, 2023


It does, but honestly its more stable for me with proton. At least it used to be I haven’t tried the native version in several years

Um… Its not ironic at all? Mozilla has been active and well regarded in privacy oriented spaces for many years.

Use Cromite on mobile. It’s a continuation of Bromite which has been maintained by one of the devs since bromite quit being updated a year or so ago. Previously it was called bromite-buildtools, but they just recently got a new name and logo.

I guess to more thoroughly answer your question - no. I don’t know of any tool to make that process easier, but every keepass client I’ve used has functionality to sort by date modified.

Keepass works great and you can use syncthing to keep up to date keyfiles on all your devices. I use keepassxc on PC and keepassdx on mobile.