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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023

PSA: For those who want signal on secondary phone, use molly.
Recently discovered this. Molly supports link with existing device just like on signal desktop. It even has benefit of getting entire chat history unlike signal desktop. Just restore the signal backup file during setup and then click link with existing device. Then scan with you primary phone. Beauty of open source. Molly: https://molly.im/

I use it on Firefox. Also tested on chrome. Same thing happening in both of them.

OpenAI made chatgpt unusable when chat history is turned off
cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/3983399 > I use chatgpt with chat history & training setting turned off. After September 25 update, it has been difficult to use on that mode. It automatically refreshes the page 5 minutes after I visit another tab or app. I had to enter the commands again. I think this is intentional to force users to turn on data history setting. Has anyone experienced the same?