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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


This is my opinion exactly. Plus they don’t have a way to upgrade storage without a family or business plan. I just want a google drive alternative for the sake of migrating away from google, not security, though it’s a nice bonus. Right now you can’t increase the storage on the basic plan, you can upgrade to unlimited but it only gets you 500 gb but costs a lot more. If they had a $5/month plan for 2 tb of storage and no other services I’d sign up right now.

Lastpass is the last password manager you should be using. They’ve had tons of data stolen, bitwarden is decent on android so I just stick to that. Should probably change passwords after switching over.

Who knows how apple decides to do anything? There may be some really stupid arbitrary reason apple modifies signal but not telegram just because apple insists on being difficult. If you don’t trust apple don’t use an iPhone and just download it on android.

There are definitely ad supported apps on iOS, they also control the core of all browsers on iOS. Neither Apple or Google really sell data externally, they serve ads to their audience using algorithms trained off vast quantities of user data. Selling the raw data is a bad way to do it because you don’t have control over it after the first sale. Keeping it internal and selling your services is a much more lucrative way to do it if you have a big enough platform. Chromium is google’s way to spy on you online and serve ads, webkit is apple’s. Google allows non chromium browsers on android but apple requires that all iOS browsers are basically just a reskinned safari.

Then apple is just collecting your data instead of google, they just give an illusion of better privacy. Both make most of their money from advertising.

It feels fine, if you don’t use google apps you wouldn’t notice a difference. But the last time I seriously tried using it as a daily driver was probably three years ago though. MicroG is ok but just can’t compare to the sandboxed gapps in graphene when it comes to compatibility.

Google services are unfortunately pretty important to most users day to day life. I have tried degoogled android but have always come back to graphene.