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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


When people talk about “Google stealing your data” they are referring to non personal data related to things you buy so that advertisers can target their market better, they aren’t like trading secrets and tracking where you go so they can jump out and I dunno, scare you or some shit? No it’s just for as revenue stuff. They aren’t even serving you more ads they are just serving you more accurate ones because those will generate more revenue from advertisers. Nothing is shared with them like your name or address or even your age really (just a general age group)

Any one of things specifically? Those seem to make sense if you have ever used a platform line discord

Do you have some kind of proof of this massive accusation?

The way I see it, things have been filtered down to a design concept of “simplify until a toddler can figure it out” and that’s been followed by so many designs that everyone has overlooked all the drawbacks of designing in that fashion. People have become wildly content with simple apps that lack personal configuration or extended functionality because users now lack so much basic knowledge or expect crazy things to the point that if they come across any small issue they will call technical support, leave a crazed email, or complain loudly on social media long before they every actually considered solving the issue themselves or even checking online to see how others arrived at the issue. I kinda feel like I’m just rambling right now but for a long time society, at least here in the US, normalized and and removed negative connotations from the term “computer illiterate” to the point that it’s become not only the norm but the design goal.

I’m literally a Linux user, it’s absolutely prone to failure. Why are you even lying?

Yeah but on your OS there’s a 30% chance half your driver’s will disappear when you restart after updating ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Your system has to be very very old for Windows 11 to be sluggish. Like really old

Because you are really editorializing a Windows experience and pretty much nobody is bothered by a simple annoyance they deal with once after getting a new computer and most people understand it’s important and useful to install updates and really just don’t want to deal with an OS that prone to failure constantly.

Windows just works, why would I not use it?