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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Use the user profiles feature of grapheneos to make a “social” profile and only use that to access Instagram / facebook.

Meta sells your convo data on WhatsApp for ads, if you use it you will get targeted ads regardless.

Other options are signal (Molly on fdroid), simplex, etc.

And if you need port forwarding use airvpn. Proton seems more and more sketch every day

Okay you asked the question, got the answer, and are clearly not listening to what people are saying and still trying to get people to agree this one is just as good…

Scrap this shitty freemium copycat add on and just use ublock origin.

It seriously is not that complicated.

There’s also eSpeak but I haven’t tried it personally

Google updated something that broke most third party clients this past week… newpipe had the fix within an evening and the rest followed shortly after.

I had multiple updates over a few days on smarttube beta so the devs must have been working overtime to get it fixed and its working great again now.

Reminder to consider donating to the project if you get use out of it.

The TSA’s goal is to roll out the tech in all of the more than 430 airports that it covers, arguing that this kind of automation would reduce “friction” at airports — meaning, presumably, how long it takes passengers to move through security.

If you’re unhappy about the use of the tech, you can consider generating more friction next time you fly.

Good closing line

Doesn’t need to happen often, its a possibility for x number of people passing thru the borders any given day. They have the legal right to force your biometrics to unlock your device. Removing it ahead of time is prudent.

If you breeze thru no problems; no harm no foul, just add your thumb again.

I feel like the pixel 8 is in a good sweet spot right now for remaining update support, price, features, etc.

I’m sure it varies by country but I got two upgrades from my carrier during blackfriday deals and my total monetary commitment per 256GB pixel 8 works out to $240 CAD over 2 years while lowering my monthly plan fee and increasing my data cap compared to before on my BYOD plan.

Extremely cheap for what I would argue is an ideally sized (maybe a bit big) flagship phone.

1000% worth it to get grapheneos. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, its LIBERATING to feel in control of your own device again.

Edit: regarding your AA disconnects, my s10 on Samsung’s stock android had disconnects too over the course of several years and many updates;, AA just kinda sucks tbh.

Ya don’t go. /s

But for real, so many better places to visit in the world.

But definitely remove biometrics at minimum.

If your OS allows you could setup a dummy user profile and have your phone on that at the border?

if you have grapheneos they just recently added the ability to set a “security pin” that starts an uninterruptable wipe with no restart needed. Just make sure its not something you can pocket fumble accidentally.

Hmmm nope I just updated some apps yesterday. I had to uninstall and reinstall Aurora store cause it wasnt showing the anonymous option anymore, but after that it popped up and worked like normal, no sign in.

Look into the user profiles feature to further isolate any play store apps you still use. I have one profile called gshit and thats the only one I install anything non-opensource on from the Aurora store.

This prevents any playstore apps from accessing say photos, contacts, messages, etc on your main profile.

PS. If you don’t like the stock launcher either you should check out KISS launcher (minimal mode)

Hmm ya that is a little lower limit than I expected on premium. Could hit that with normal throwaway acc use.

Would be nice if they allowed like 10 IMO but I guess they have to set the limit somewhere to stop spammers using the service.

Guess you could delete the older aliases as you stop using those throwaways and recycle the slot? Not a perfect solution, but 4 throwaways and 1 main at any given time isnt too shabby.

How many is “multiple times” may be useful information. Ball park numbers atleast?

I have a gulikit king kong pro 2 (I think I got the name right). Been using it about a year now, works good on linux (Nobara). Has various modes for different consoles and phones and hall effect sensor sticks (which wont have stick drift) which was the motivation for trying it, along with the lower price compared to the official Xbox controller. Came with a nice hard case and rechargeable lithium too.

Been pleasantly surprised so far.

I used to really like it back in the Nokia 820 days when Nokia still owned it. Had really advanced features like AR POI’s and stuff way ahead of its time. I just assumed they are collecting and selling ALL your data now that car companies own it since thats what all car companies do using the infotainment, why wouldnt they in their own navigation software too?

Edit: forgot to mention what I use now, combo of OSMand~, organic maps, and when I cant find an address or POI on either of those, Apple maps through duckduckgo’s maps portal, and try to add it to OSM

I don’t know, they have to monetise somehow. Paying for the convenience of sync seems like a valid path especially given there’s fully functional alternative syncs available for free.

I just use syncthing with logseq and it works fine…

Yep sounds like firewall issue to me. Allow the ports eric mentioned in his comment thru firewall and it should work

And years of not fully supporting Linux.

Another way to put that is actively pushing/encouraging their “privacy concious” clients onto windows spyware if they want to get the service they paid proton for. Can’t be private on windows folks.

Not privacy focused at all IMO, its all privacy theatre and proton is just money focused.

Satisified customer here. Bought 2x lifetime plans for myself and my partner

One sticky point that took me a bit to clue in to was you need to login to an x11 session not the default Wayland. Unless sunshine has been updated to support wayland, this was about Feb I discovered that.

To change just log out and select x11 in bottom left corner of the login screen. Dont forget to switch back next time if you arent using sunshine

Having tried both popOS and manjaro I’d urge you to skip my trail and error and check out Nobara from the get go. Always found little naggling issues until I found Nobara

Hmm you’re thinking Open Office which was the predecessor of libreoffice.

OnlyOffice is a different product

Could dual boot your laptop or run windows in a VM as someone suggested. Onlyoffice was what finally solved the office compatibility problem for me during school. O365 is online anyways and works on Linux…

Replaced gboard with a FOSS keyboard without internet access on your phone? I use and like AnySoftKeyboard.

Are you on stock android or a privacy friendly ROM? That’d be #1 on my list. I use grapheneos on a pixel 8 and would recommend. Whether you have google apps on your phone or not they have access to everything you do on stock android 🤷‍♂️

Either way I think its important to recognize how much you’ve already done, and not stress about what you can’t change yet. You’re already more private than 99% of the general population and you aren’t in school forever. I was in the same boat with a windows partition on my laptop for a couple windows only programs for school (online test invigilation can be a bitch for compatibility, windows in a VM generally doesn’t work I found), but school ends and that partition is gone now.

TL;DR You’re doing good, don’t stress if you have to keep some stuff around for school, give onlyoffice a shot, look into privacy friendly ROMs for your phone.

You can also download ready-made decks for different categories in many languages. Useful for expanding your vocabulary I find.

+1 for simplelogin.

Cancelled proton unlimited since the majority of their platform is lacking features on Linux and switched to just a simplelogin subscription to pocket the savings.

KOHO has a single virtual card that can be reset… but it would reset everything being billed to that card ofc so not quite 1-1 with privacy.com’s per-service virtual cards.

That being said, my koho card was also compromised and their chat wouldn’t let me dispute the transaction or talk to a human for another 3 days after the fact so I just closed it down.

When I still had Netflix I was only able to get 720p streams on lineageOS because of netflix’s DRM checks (same with on a web browser)… does your method allow 1080p or even 4k streams or is it still the same deal?

I mean, not a great source… That’s just a link to a forum post and the only thing they reference for it “not being secure” was a github PR from 2021… Not saying its great they had teething issues, but that’s literally a year within starting up and they fixed all those issues right away, and had an independent audit done. So I kinda feel like using it to say they’re not secure now isn’t very useful. But if you have something showing their current deployment is insecure please share.

They did a complete infrastructure overhaul at the start of 2023 too moving to their own hardware and such so I imagine more might have changed since 2021 than just those issues.

This is literally client-side encryption using fully open source programs… If you “do not trust it to be e2e”, verify the code yourself. Doing your own encryption on top would be redundant.

Ya it seems like accessibility via other protocols is in development… After reading more into today it sounds like rclone is being actively worked on at least.

They stated on their blog webDAV syncing won’t be compatible with their E2EE though.

Hmm that’s disappointing for pcloud. Ya I agree with not really trusting MEGA as your only cloud backup due to the previous wipe of free accounts. I have a free account that I use here and there but you never know when they could get wiped again. With a paid plan I’d be less worried about that but still.

Well, I just migrated my kdbx from gdrive to filen and it seems to be syncing properly to the local folder on pop_OS22.04 linux appimage. Not SAF or Rclone but atleast all their apps are opensource. It won’t be usable for kdbx on android until the next android app update which they stated in their blog will add local files integration (I believe this means you will be able to pick files from filen in keepassDX like you can with GDrive) and background uploads. I guess time will tell if there’s the same issues with overwriting files with temp ones I had on GDrive since I’m not 100% sure if that’s an issue with file permissions being pulled by drive or if its an issue with KeepassXC.

Bitwarden is a great option; I keep putting off migrating to it cause I keep having to relocate around the country and have my homelab offline for extended periods. Figured I should wait to host that one till its reliably accessible.

  1. You can’t read can you? I literally explained my reasoning for posting it as it ties into a previous discussion I saw here. You are welcome to check my posting history if you want to see I’m just a regular dude interested in tech and privacy.

  2. the pricing makes perfect sense when you stop defending companies massively overcharging for cloud storage given physical storage costs. Keep in mind it will likely increase since generally companies increase pricing as they age/eliminate the lifetime option once the user base has grown enough.

  3. so pcloud shouldn’t be taken seriously? Not sure why you are simping for subscriptions so bad; they are a bane on modern society. Subscription-model is not the only viable business model (companies including online ones were profitable for decades before it became commonplace) and I would argue it is worse for the user in almost every circumstance.

    We should be supporting businesses that reject the subscription-model, not avoiding them.

  4. Yes.

Ya the “lifetime of the service” is always mentioned (you’re still SOL if a service ends and you’ve been paying monthly, you just would have massively overpaid in the meantime); and I agree when its a large premium for a “lifetime”. But in this case considering it would only need to stay viable for 13 months in order to get your ROI on 35 euro invested compared to a monthly subscription (GDrive is $4 CAD/month for 200GB) that is also known for randomly deleting your data/accounts without warning (GDrive), I think its worth the risk. If in 5 years they go under you can always migrate to another service and you saved 5 years - 13 months of monthly payments. And ofc basic data storage practices still should be followed. Min 3 copies, one offsite.

Interesting about the SAF functionality and worth noting for anyone wanting it for that use; I wonder if its on their roadmap at all. As I said, I’m using this as an offsite backup so should work fine for that.

As an aside do you have a recommendation for solid SAF functionality with Keepass (esp on linux)? I currently use gdrive linked through gnome accounts in order to sync my keepass file across all my devices since I haven’t found a better option but KeepassXC constantly overwrites the file with temp files (randomly generated string file names) which causes errors when I try to open it on KeepassDX on my phone since the database file is no longer there but replaced with a temp file. Not sure if its due to Gdrive constantly revoking file manager permissions or what.

filen.io - one time payment plans - encrypted cloud storage
Sorry if this reads like an ad; the link is a non-referral one. (I am broke though if anyone wants me to DM my referral link (10%) lol) I heard about it here and wanted to share for others that were interested by that original post but waiting for a sale. Hello everyone I just figured I would share a PSA since filen.io's black friday sale seems to be live now. Filen is another good opensource (all their client apps) alternative to google drive, dropbox, icloud, MEGA, etc. I've been checking this company out for the past week after I saw someone asking here if it was trustworthy. It seems legit; fairly young company which explains why they still offer lifetime plans as they are growing. Its only like 35 Euro for a 200GB lifetime client-side encrypted cloud storage with no bandwith limits. I despise subscriptions so hard to argue with that for me. I plan on using this for my offsite backups mainly. EDIT: For christ sakes folks, Lifetime obviously means the lifetime of the company as is the case for ANY "LIFETIME" PRODUCT. That's been the legal meaning of the term when it comes to warranties and such for decades. Should I rename it "One Time Payment" so you guys can stop commenting that a company can go under? Newsflash if you pay monthly for dropbox and that company fails, same thing happens, except you'll have paid hundreds or thousands over the years (depending how long we're talking) for 200GB storage instead of a one time payment of 35 Euro. It will take ~13 months to break even with GDrive's 200GB plan so as long as filen lasts more than 13 months you still come out ahead. They have also stated in their blog that lifetime plans will increase in price down the road as they are currently being partially funded by their monthly plans. I would expect they will likely increase in price to similar to what pcloud charges for lifetime plans? IDK don't quote me.
filen.io - one time payment plans - encrypted cloud storage