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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 13, 2023


It lives in the same place as your other inaccessible data, which Apple has been unable to produce when served with warrants for iCloud data and the like.

The state is just the abstraction of the collective will of the governed, if the Dutch people have determined this is a crime against their society, then it is.

The state holds a monopoly on violence, another monopoly isn’t a stretch.


It gets a bad rap. Archinstall is extremely straightforward and after that it’s just installing a DE and it looks and works like every other distro.

This was Arch a decade ago, it’s just not the case anymore. It’s a stable distro that doesn’t require much tinkering and doesn’t break on its own. It’s right next to Fedora, openSUSE, Ubuntu and everyone wise who is stable, but not Debian stable.