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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


Du hast mich du fragt.

Could have learned that a long time ago. Everybody learns it somehow from some greedy company. Luckily you’ve learned it now.

The recent article about kids getting arrested for words and it’s positive reception should give you a hint.

Wow. What a shitty way to live.

I assume you don’t take showers in public. We all have things we wish to keep private. When we give up some privacy we never get it back.

What part of creeping evil don’t you understand? It’s the boiling frog. As time goes on we have less and less privacy.

It’s just part of the creeping evil of surveillance. Fuck giant corporations. They shouldn’t be allowed to basically fingerprint their customers and put it in a database.

This makes me irrationally angry. I feel like if I saw that shit in real life I would have to put in effort not to smash it.