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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2023


If you aren’t going to turn out evil, raise your right hand.

Why not both? Telegram is bad for privacy, and governments still want to arrest the founders of systems they cannot control?

I’m assuming OP didn’t just accept a position with the fucking Hezbollah, so Signal probably fits his usecase

It’ll be fine. If the fucking CIA wanted OP to spill the beans they’ll just send an agent with a wrench directly to OP’s kneecaps.

“I am not looking to start a fight”

That works, sometimes.

Exactly. Thats exactly the right thing to say on public social media. We are all obedient little pigs here.

For critical functionality like banking and stuff it’s also a good idea to put a bookmark to the right site on the toolbar and then only ever access it via bookmarks.

What are the chances the software is designed to throw errors and “See a technician” messages if you dk?

unlocked version? how do i tell if its an unlocked version or not? is there a good starting point to learn more about custom roms?

lmao maybe OP meant so invisible as to be transparent. "clear"ly

You’re missing the most obvious thing the OP might have meant.

I took it to mean the case when the public-private key pair has been compromised. Systems been hacked, someone looked over his shoulder when authorising himself etc etc.

So OP is just asking what happens if someone steals my private key, and I need to tell the rest of the world my Identity cannot be verified using this key pair anymore.

Or you could just wrap your car in aluminium foil like a giant burrito

I assume they just initialised their graph folder as a git repo and just commit each time they’re done working.

Also remember there are many many people like you poking out eyes by themselves, day in and day out.

You’re not alone, and you only need to hold the line till we can bring in legislative measures to hold it for you.

correct, but brave is not only shittier, but it is also an active saboteur to the cause.

I feel like that’s better, as long as it is a human doing the processing, rather than a program algorithmically output a closest case answer.

I like how the clone fucks my wife BEFORE replacing me.

Maybe they’re so good at erasing online data that when they got to choosing a CEO, they couldn’t find any info on this dude being shady online.

It’s like a twisted mustache twirling disney villanesque version of data leak conspiracies. Only way I can think of for this to be funnier is if it turns out the dude also had a prominent position in some secret police state agency.

anonaddy, firefox relay, or something similar might be your solution. Many email providers provide temporary mails and permanent aliases as part of their subscription.

They’re also fighting off other legislators who are already in the pockets of these tech giants.

Nice. Would this work for any website? Can I just archive any webpage I can’t see on my end?

Yes, I think that’s how it works. The company who hired the ad space pays google, google pays the site that had the ad banner.

This sets a precedent that other countries might follow. Bad.

There are a hundred little things that grind my gears with eternity though. Trying to work through them without switching for now.

I do not want my data to train AIs regardless of whether that data leaves my device or not.

Lmao no. At best, Notion bought them out to make their own email hosting solution. Worst case, notion bought them out to run the company into the ground to fuck their competition.

Fuck this guy and fuck Notion too.

Hey, I don’t want to discourage your language learning, but duolingo really sucks as a language learning platform. It honestly doesn’t teach you anything about actually using a language.

You might be much better served by using something like babbel, memrise or even better, Rosetta Stone. They are paid options, but well worth the price I think.

Nah, not this rhetoric. Masks were mandatory because of COVID, and that was the right move. Get out of here with your bad-by-association argument. Making masks mandatory then was the right move. Banning masks during protests is not the right move. Both these facts are not mutually exclusive.

When you make such weak, bad faith arguments, you only give fuel for the other side to break down even your valid arguments.

There are plenty of reasons to call UK clowns, but masks during this centuries worst version of the black death (so far) isn’t one of them.

I am sorry to ask this, and I hope you’ll see it as the curiosity it is.

Is instagram that necessary? I mean, not in the “Dont you have alternatives?” way, but rather in the “Do you need something LIKE instagram?”/“Do you really need to know so much about your friends?” sort of way. I don’t have instagram, and when friends want to hang out or do something or talk, they just call me on my phone. That’s pretty much the only way I know about the stuff thats happening.

Anything else I just don’t really have the interest to know or find out. I can’t see the utility in keeping in such enmeshed, deep contact with people via Instagram. The people I really talk to everyday are on whatsapp and that’s usually where we talk.

For some time now I’ve been wondering if something was wrong with me socially, and your comment put that thought back in my head.

Good old internet anonymous tech support. Love to see it.

Piped link to Fireship’s video about C2PA
Useful because now you'll be able to tell that something is human-generated instead of AI-generated, and content creators and people with a large public presence will now be able to police their own likeness being used by randos. Scary both because now whistleblowers or reporters could get their cover blown because the image has metadata linking them to it; or they could strip off this metadata and get the evidence dismissed entirely as fraudulent; and also because of the possibility that any regulatory government body that enforces C2PA will also determine what is real and what is not, meaning anyone on the inside will be able to generate AI content and pass it off as real to the vast majority of the population. Can't help but think they shortened it to C2PA instead of CCPA because of the similarity in acronyms of the latter and the big bad no-privacy country. What do you think? Non-issue, Slightly concerning, or apocalyptic?