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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


That doesn’t make any sense. Currency outside a nation isn’t laundering, USD is used as a trade medium around the world even when not trading with US banks or entities. Idk why you’re saying that “billions a day” is taxpayer money or something and it wouldn’t fix around the country, it’d go into the military like usual.

It’s also just the scale of Denmark. The US has billions pulled from the US every day and it’s not a problem but the US isn’t a small country of 6 million people.

Really the US needs federal ID that are free and accessible through all post offices. The use of birth certificates and SSNs for the private sector is a failure of the federal government.

Identification for some reason is a cobbled-together mess of systems never designed for identification.

How has it been anal about Linux? Are we talking Galaxy? The launcher is pretty butt and it’s better to just download the games directly and then they can be run with proton because of the lack of DRM.

Generally Steam does a lot more, especially for linux but GoG is the only store offering DRM free as the default.

There’s other things but mostly the lack of DRM.

A bigger cut for developers would be nice if mostly any gaming studio actually did profit sharing. I’m not going to be riled up and motivated for some capitalists to get a fat fucking bonus while using a shittier platform. But billionaire Sweeny is all for claiming it’s all for the little guy while not giving a shit if his own employees stack up 60hr work weeks.

The competition for Steam is GoG as it is effectively the only platform to offer you something Steam doesn’t.

I don’t. Just like I don’t know that the homeless aren’t sitting on BMW money. I’m betting it’s such a small percentage it’s not worth targeting.

Generally I’d ignore anyone running computers this garbage because they’re not going to have the money to buy games anyway. It’s like trying to make a BMW for the homeless market.

My friends don’t want to use end to end encrypted platforms so it’s one data leak from being public anyway.

Totally. I’m not saying it’s better security just that in a situation like that I’m not really worried about what’s going on with my phone.

If they have me dead or unconscious my phone is the least of my concerns.

The person in the video talks so slowly I can listen to it at 1.5x speed. I feel like a jerk because it’s clearly not their first language and I can only imagine how difficult that can be but at 1x speed it’s a seriously slow video.

To my understanding this is a more in-depth breakdown of how and why browser extensions will not be able to intercept the webpage before the browser displays it and instead it will be executed via scripts on the browser itself. Google claims this is to speed up the process, improve security, and reduce computational power and it does seem to do that but at the expense of the freedom of the browser extensions to alter the web pages being displayed.

Plus Lemmy is really good about allowing you to stay anonymous as it doesn’t pull any data other than what you write out. Meanwhile reddit or facebook monitor what you look at and for how long.

For many people the challenge of breaking it is the fun. Just like lots of very wealthy people who don’t have to steal will steal for the fun of it.

I’m ok with running a VM to run software if I absolutely have to but this won’t even let you do that.

This is difficult for me because games I like to play are boring as fuck to watch and games I like to watch are games I don’t usually play very much.

I’m all for funding the people who put all the work into these projects, just so we’re clear. But Youtube Premium for example, you spend money to remove ads but google is still tracking you and will still invade your privacy despite you paying them.

I didn’t know boost offers different versions for people, it’s not something I use, and I’m glad that people are willing to fund the team that keeps it going.

Probably a hot take but paying to remove ads vs paying for a little passion project aren’t the same things. Especially when it comes to privacy and how much of the data collection is still running but not serving you ads.

I disagree with that being the reason. Products without lots of bullshit do fine but Instant Pot purchased other companies and tried to expand into basically every kitchen role in like 5 years.

Look at Vitamix for instance and even with making composters? they seem to manage without bullshit.

Private companies still have shareholders who they are bound to make profit for. They’re just shareholders not fixated on stock value as it’s not publicly traded.

It’s not needed to leech but it’s pretty important if you want to seed more anonymously