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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


I have been meaning to ask, can Shelly be used to turn existing light switches/circuits smart? I have four separate light switched each for a single light, and I’d love a simple solution so if I turn one switch on all four lights come on.

The transparency of Topics is at least an improvement. Previously you would be targeted - or rather discriminated - by highly questionable traits.

Hopefully with this move regulators will finally step in to outlaw the previous behaviour. That would be a minimal step in the right direction.

The author pronounces it [aɡe̞] with a hard g, like GIF, and is always spelled lowercase.

I can’t be the only one to think GIF is a terrible example for pronunciation?

If the DuckDuckGo result for your search doesn’t yield anything then just append it with g! and it’ll take you straight to the Google results.

It’s a useful trick but very rarely do I find I need it. Only really when researching a very specific error.

You don’t have to look at reducing your Google use as a monumental effort. You can slowly transfer, minimise the number of services you use.

Simple - Switch your default search provider to Duck Duck Go.

Easy - Switch to Firefox

Mid - export your documents from Google Drive

Complex - Transfer your primary email to another provider.