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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2024


I’m very aware and take my privacy very seriously! Your title and some phrasing in the body of the post led me to think you were all being kept up at night about this my bad

Edit: yikes that voice to text was ROUGH

If your efforts to protect your data/privacy are causing you daily anxiety then yes you need to unfortunately start accepting that there are limitations to what you as one person can do.

I might be worth looking for groups you can work with/volunteer with to further the cause of privacy. You clearly care about this deeply and it would be a potentially very healthy outlet for you

That’s an absurd interpretation of what I said. There is no way you actually think that’s what said.

If you spend your entire time and get all your information on lemmy then you have a bigger issue beyond some echo chamber internet communities. Really and truly.

Demonizing spaces for like minded people to congregate doesn’t solve that.

I can decide to block someone after they reveal more of themselves or otherwise turn nasty. You’re still reinforcing a false moral imperative. I am allowed to have communities and spaces that are primarily people I agree with. I don’t need everything to be challenging me all the time.

It’s unbelievable how any time somebody starts complaining about “echo chambers“ it’s basically an argument for how they are entitled to somebody else’s attention.

When you go out for drinks or dinner or some other social activity, do you always make sure to invite people with beliefs and practices that are diametrically opposed to your own? Do you not mostly keep friends in your orbit who largely agree with you and your values?

I have family I don’t agree with. I have colleagues I don’t agree with. Yes, I also have friends I don’t agree with. But these echo chamber arguments are almost exclusively used by the right to say “you have to listen to me because it’s a moral imperative” then whenever someone like me tries to show them the door, they scream about echo chambers as if they aren’t the problem.

No, we don’t have to keep these people around. I don’t have to listen to every opinion or argument that I disagree with every single time. Sometimes I’m just going to tell people to fuck off and hang out with people who aren’t actively trying to upset me.

the dems failed to pass any meaningful legislation

Yeah those tens of millions of people utilizing the ACA sure don’t count. I guess the infrastructure bill didn’t happen, I’ll go tell my city to return the funding it’s using right now to repair roads and sewerage issues that have long been neglected until that money came.

I mean seriously? Nothing meaningful? Let’s just skip the part where you give me some dross about how the ACA was Republican due to compromise blah blah blah we all know but it wouldn’t exist at all without Obama and the democrats expending an enormous amount of political capital. Like it or not, to not call it meaningful is ridiculous.

Unfortunately when I mentioned I had a Mac everyone got really nasty and told me to buy a PC/“you should’ve done your homework.” 😅

I have a 2017 MBPro that can still handle 4K video rendering. It’s already in my possession! Why would I go buy something else? But everyone was too angry at the idea of my using a Mac to care sadly.

I have a founder’s account at $5/mo so I have no interest in upgrading lol. As for updates, I remember with BG3 frequently having to wait for updates to go through in the early months specifically on GFN after release while my steam deck could just get right back into it.

I like GFN but some games are unplayable with the latency, despite how impressively low it is. And while the library is pretty decent it’s definitely not comprehensive.

I’ve been juggling steamdeck / GFN / Xbox for years and I’m sort of ready to just go whole hog on a $1500-$2000 tower.

Ngl these are pretty slick. I think I’d rather try my hand at a build but if it had more disposable income I’d probably go for it.

I’ve seen a few bazzite advocates here so it’s definitely top of the list for checking out right now. I’m a big fan of SteamOS and wish I could just install that lol but this seems like a great alternative so far

Yeah I think AMD is the route I want to go for several reasons tbh.

Thank you! I messed with Mint once and it was easy enough to get up but wifi didn’t work out the box which was irritating. Is that common in your experience?

Full disclosure it was an intel MBpro lol

Luckily MP competitive games aren’t really my thing,n the few MP games I play are generally social/collaborative. Valheim and such.


I’m a pretty tech savvy guy but not a “coder” by any stretch. Pretty comfortable using terminal commands so long as the instructions are clear.

I’m considering building a gaming PC within the next 6 to 12 months, and I pretty much want it to be strictly a Linux machine for gaming. I want my hardware to work out of the box as much as possible and maximum compatibility with my games with minimal tinkering. Again I can handle getting some things to work, installing drivers, tinkering with game settings. But a lot of what has kept me from going whole hog into PC gaming is I am a dad with a full-time job and sometimes I just want to fire up and start playing. Steam deck has been nice but obviously very underpowered compared to a dedicated tower I’d build.

Which Linux OS would folks recommend? OP asking you as well haha.

I play it almost exclusively docked with a controller because of wrist stuff tbh

Also yeah Hades 1 rules