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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 13, 2023


This shows so much privilege. Apartments, townhomes, condominiums. Sometimes you’re scrolling through pages of Wi-Fi networks from your neighbors looking for your own SSID right next to the device.

Yeah, you can’t do shit about open Wi-Fi networks near you and promiscuous devices.

How can you be against porn? It’s neither good or bad, it exists and I basically don’t watch it, but I recognize that others do, why is that a problem that needs solving? To be clear, I’m reading your response as against porn in all forms and for all audiences based on your wording, is that what you mean?

This has been a thing in the States for about 15 years, it’s not new. If it’s just now becoming a thing where you live, understand that things like Gas TV, or ads for products or fuel additives were around since the late 2000s and early 2010s

I think of this as being straight up horrifying. This isn’t exciting, this is going to be dystopian nightmare fuel. It’s not hard to imagine this being imbedded into human beings against their will too, like prisoners in the US.

I would rather be a Borg, at least they were motivated by a collective good will to move to perfection, not puppets of a dying capitalist state and it’s related ideology.