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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


man i remember doing that once. it basically tells the user: we can force you to waste your time. keep that in mind next time you want to exert free choice. end of story: told my boss i demand using Linux, he said ok. I’m happy now fellow pingus 🐧

here’s my prognosis: noticed how phishing is getting more popular recently? yeah that will turn straight into spear phishing. anyone sending messages from a public WiFi will be receiving personalized phishing mails written to perfection by ai. i really don’t understand how politicians cannot think anything to a logical conclusion

i don’t know if someone else mentioned it but another thing: probably all her friends use gmail and because an email always has a sender and a receiver, her privacy is out of the window regardless. I’d rather focus on getting her a browser with extensions to reduce how much she’s being tracked

i forgot the exact duration but in the military, if you capture an enemy and fail to extract information in the first few days he’s useless as information source. consider yourself a freed POW, and every day that passes and you become a more intelligent, interested person and find new things you enjoy or don’t enjoy, big tech’s residual information is less valuable