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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


Personally I love it. Being able to boost results from some sites while depriotizing or even banning others has been real helpful. Not having unrelated “sponsored” content cluttering up the results is certainly nice as well. The results themselves feel like Google from ten years ago, relevant and on point.

That’s real cool! Ever comes to the states I’d take a hard look at it.

Like SimpleLogins. It allows you to create an email on the fly like mudskipper.lemmy@relay.com that you can create an account with (in this case the lemmy part of the email is taken from whatever company you are signing up with. All emails sent to that email will get forwarded on to you. If the account sells your email to spammers you will know exactly what company sold you out and you can disable that email address. Same thing if the company itself spams the hell out of you.

It’s very handy! Only con I have come across is some companies will not accept the address. For those i just move on or create a burner Gmail account.

Adam Conover just did a video on mega mergers and Ticketmaster was prominently featured. I thought it was pretty well done, but hope you like the guy because he takes his personality to 11 on this one.

Fuck these monopoly fucks.