I’m just this guy, you know?

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


Sure, but there’s still a lot you can do with a cheap bluetooth OBD-II reader.

Only rich people and idiots take their car to a dealer for service.

My ‘14 has no connectivity beyond GPS and Bluetooth. My ‘16 had internet connectivity but only via 2G which doesn’t work anymore. I think I’m good.

The last car I bought is a 2014 model year. The one before that is a 2016. I’m not buying anything made after 2020, even if I have to squeeze gasoline from the rocks with my bare hands. Not because I don’t like electric, but because I don’t want a spy appliance to drive around in, even if it has emoji headlights.

There’s some product manager at Bing who probably got a promotion for that

And they’ll have about as much success

And how does she intend to do this? Am I gonna have to fax my driver’s license to every website I create an account at?

If I print up an invoice for the time I’ve spent blocking all their tracking cookies, do you think I could take it to small claims court? It’s gotta be at least a couple hundred bucks worth of labor at this point.

broaden the definition of extremism to include anyone who “undermines” the country’s institutions and its values

Guess I’m an extremist 🤷‍♂️

Same. Wireguard is a beautiful thing.

I can’t believe we’ve gotten to the point where running random code on your computer isn’t just considered normal, we also think blocking said random code is bad for business.

Companies operate at a loss in certain markets all the time in order to keep competition out. Even if they’re not profitable in Norway, they don’t want a Norwegian social network muscling in on their territory.

For comparison, if you made $365,000 per year this would be the same as you paying 7 cents per day in a fine, or $25 per year.

If a fine is less than the profit it is legal and the cost of doing business.

Not if you have a large facility that needs videoconferencing and needs to be secure. Ostensibly there would be people who are also on the airgapped network.

I’m talking about using a self-hosted Jitsi instance. That one will work on a completely air-gapped network so you don’t have to share data with them.

If you need teleconferencing with screen share I highly recommend Jitsi. Easy to set up, pretty low system requirements, and open source.

91% with pihole + ublock on Firefox. Time to add some domains to the blacklist

The intrusiveness of ads is bad, but the fact that code I don’t want and didn’t explicitly authorize is running on my machine is a massive security hole. Not too long ago hackers infiltrated the ad networks of major newspapers and replaced the ads with propaganda.

We have no idea how many times exploit code has been put on these ad servers. And we’re just supposed to trust a bunch of sysadmins to make sure the javascript that lets them track us hasn’t been replaced with something nefarious?

It’s okay, only Jeff Bezos and three weird sysadmin dudes can see your fingerprints. Don’t worry bro. /s