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Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


wow that’s so surprising cant believe capitalistic profit centric big tech would do that oh my god no way

t430 would probably like to have a talk

I see, but I’ve never encountered that in my life.

I’m not American, I’m from Australia and watch a lot of overseas content. I guess I just didn’t encounter it then.

Not really.

Norway has 5,391,369 people, and assuming ~40% use facebook, that’s 2 million people that use facebook. 36.5 million dollars per year of fines mean that it’s 18 dollars per user per year.

Facebook has 2 billion users worldwide, and has a revenue of 33 billion every year. If all of those 2 billion users fined facebook for 18 dollars per year, that’s their whole revenue gone.

It just doesn’t have that much effect right now because it’s only norway doing it.

I don’t think the average apple user cares about the difference between e2ee and e2ee but apple also has a key

vpn for normal consumers is a dumb pyramid scheme, you can make your privacy much better with less cost with other methods. VPNs are only good if you want to see something unavailable in your country

how does ddg know that? also ddg is not very good for privacy imo, better to use something like searx or startpage