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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


My parents used to beat me if I was in possession of energy drinks.

I really do not getting private messages though and I hope lemmy adds the option to turn it off in the future.

Hey, I kind of understand what this user is saying and why they are upset.

I honestly think their reaction was them being embarrassed about what happened and took it out on me because I was there.

I do hope that they do end up understanding that there will probably never be concrete proof of these allegations but I do believe that Canada must have a pretty good idea of what happened to even open this Pandora’s Box at all.

I explained my reason for writing the comment and why I feel it’s on topic here.

Thank you for explaining your reasoning why you don’t like it and would like it see it removed.

When Zuckerberg is calling a country a world leader and other countries are accusing that country of killing their citizens on their own soil it should be mentioned.

Apparently they’re also pretty good at shooting people in other countries too.

Freedom is only free if you have rich parents.

US is the freest country around as long as you can afford it.