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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 19, 2022


Its cool to see people thinking about how to donate when they can. I think about it as well, and when I have donated I think most if not all fall into your list.

I used to use nitter to view stuff people sent from twitter. Now I guess I won’t ever look at twitter ever again.

It won’t be as good as native hardware support, but you can buy a device to add wireless charging. It plugs into the phone USB-C and has a short flexible cable leading into a thin (1 mm maybe) wireless charger receiver that can fit inside a phone case

I am in the USA using T-Mobile. Yes, voice calls work. Depending on when the device was shipped, it may require a modem firmware update. After that its a simple install of bm818-tools package, enable VOLTE and then reboot.

I’m using a Librem 5 as my daily driver