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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Feb 05, 2021


Also Molly and Mercurygram and most of the Matrix messengers

I would use it, if there were unified push support.

It’s in lineage too. Found it on pixel 7a with actual LOs 21

How about this blog:


Btw alternative to gitea is forgejo or gogs. A website using forgejo is Codeberg. Maybe this helps on your searching journey.

An AI trained with the things people wrote on Facebook and Insta? Wtf, hilarious.

What Ads? I don’t have Ads in the interface nor in the app. Okay the reason could be my openwrt router is set up with Stubby DoT and blocklists from AdguardHome.

Privacy should never be the target of the core rom. Security is it. That’s the reason I use grapheneOS.

A ROM can be the best privacy by default one, it’s useless if the user puts gapps and tiktok etc. on it, afterwards.

That’s mostly group chats and someone from the group showed the comments to the police.

Never used it, I saw some twitter comments from it’s CEO and this guy isn’t trustable.

I go with Firefox and sometimes epiphany. Last one tries to accomplish the level of the well known ones but is mostly years behind. That’s sad, because I really like it.

These discussions are worthless, because of the complexly with Linux kernels. Saying android is Linux is the same as saying macOS or iOS are Linux. They only have in common to be a kernel driven Unix system. Stop there and be good, the only other mentionable opposite is DOS.

I run gOS and be good with it but I don’t follow all of their thoughts. Security and privacy are two different things. gOS follows the security rabbit hole. Doing more for privacy is in the users hand. This is better than ROM who build their ecosystem the other way around.

If you are the “VPN to home, always on” user, go for pi-hole.

Adguardhome has it’s strengths when it comes to DoH, DoT, Quic usage.

It’s a paid service and needs login. Well… searXNG looks like to be the opposite.

Since the comments are full of alternative usecases like ddg and brave search, I just leave this here:


What do you mean, meeting new people?

starts playing the organ in the cellar

Just theoretical, maybe one of the gatekeepers do their calc and decide: okay we are out of Europe because our greedy business model doesn’t work without a gate.

Thx, will try yours next. I always experiment with some combinations, my preferred never worked. But yours looks closest to it. I always want proxy’s out of the compose file but I would prefer postgresql over mariadb

Yes, that’s annoying. I stay away from Jerboa because of this error.

Because this fork uses a propetary library. That’s the only downer here. Florisboard and AnyKeyboard try to reinvent it OpenSource.

Yes, but you need this fork for swiping gestures.


The reason is easy, the libary for swiping is propetary, FOSS projects won’t use it and cut this feature.

How about DoH? Firefox supports it, and not every IT admin has blocked the ability to use it. (mozilla.cfg)

Trust an IT guy, we all do linux shit for fun. But at the office it’s called “work”. You are qualified.

As someone who scans with Linux in production we use a combination of xsane, PDFarranger and paperwork.


Using mull+ublock for android on GrapheneOS with DoT on Adguard Home.

Interesting, I can’t block ads. youtube and ads.twitter but they are added into my blocking lists. Sus.

The screenshot is from the new chatGPT app for android. For login it requires a chrome browser, my grapheneOS android has mull and vanadium and both seems unsupported. But I think the problem here is webview.

I use the play services sandboxed from Graphene. Other DRM checking apps have no problems.

Idk, but would be nice, maybe.

Sent from my iPhone. :)

I use Mull and since it’s Graphene OS, there is also vanadium (chromium based). I try fennec, but I think it’s because Graphene uses a lot to block other google services.

Edit: maybe because I have vanadium webview instead of android webview