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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


I have never experienced that… Maybe ublock blocks that? I for sure haven’t changed my user agent

Got some disagreements here:

I’d say you can reuse names/user names but then you should seperate your internet personality from your reallife personality.

Choose the right social media (fedi verse stuff that doesn’t spy on you)

Also tor is a bit much for most things. for staying private a vpn you can personally trust should be enough

But the tips you listed are great for staying anonymous

Im ok with collecting ip for ip bans. But looking at filed goes to far

I honestly just watched a youtube tutorial

You probably can look into the arch wiki although if you don’t use arch there may be some differences.

If i find the youtube video i will edit this comment and link it [here]

Alternatively here is how i did it:

•Install the bottles application (from the aur) •install proton ge runner •Create a new bottle •select proton ge as runner for said bottle •Download launcher installer (battle.net in my case) •run application > battlenetinstaller.exe (or however it’s named)

I love that so many people rather use a sus version of windows than actual windows… on an unrelated note where would one aquire such a windows version? Asking for a friend

Im may not be the person asked but i can still give you 1 particularly impactful case: minecraft. Now Minecraft (java) has native linux support so this isn’t valve’s doing but i get a massive performance lift in minecraft. On my old pc on windows i had barely 50 fps. On Linux i had 80 that’s 30 fps more with the exact same mods and settings

You could try:


•play on linux


I recommend bottles for anything that’s not available on steam (i.e. driver software) worked pretty well for me

Idk why but i never got anything working in lutris… bottles work pretty well tho

So valuing your own privacy is now suspicious huh?