Sagar Acharya


Dumb Devices

Lies that look like truth destroy all trust in truth. Today, in the age of AI, it is more prevalent than ever. We must trust only people we’ve met with their online identities and increasingly, a major part of internet is already fake!

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Feb 04, 2023


Yes, only after you’ve met them. First meet, exchange public keys. Use zero knowledge proofs.

For any detection logic one has to take the video, .i.e. the series of images in, feed to logic of code, and return results. For a hidden or very big program, the code can as well be,

if nudity send_to_apple_server() print(“We detected nudity, and flagged this video”)

The user cannot differentiate it from well intended code. The right thing to do is not track at all! No “SMART” logic to “HELP”!