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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Feb 16, 2024


On the other topic of personal data: the critical data like real name, home address, phone number, email address, former employers etc. should absolutely not be federated, thats a need to know basis.

Wait till you hear about yellow pages and white pages!

You can try chocolatey store then. Community maintained.

Let’s say you have political beliefs and would like to donate to such causes, March against genocide, stand with local essential workers, union fee. Some places like Hungary might be very dangerous if everyone knows what you spend money on.

Pretty sure @authed said 5-6 free address isn’t enough for thou.

How do you share using BitTorrent. I had a lot of problem sharing with BT, especially on tracker choosing reasons and port problems.

So what do you use to send, receive and store 2GB ish files to other people?

Edit: Would be great if some non-selfhosting solution was suggested here.