Full stack developer and privacy advocate. I like to keep the mentality, if you can program one language well, then you can program in any language!

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Imagine living in China,
where the government is able to request data of each company in their country.

Imagine that China would setup an AI/LLM, to feed all private chat data into it,
and automatically flagging opposition of the government regime.

Imagine a white van appearing in front of your house and disappearing into a concentration camp because you got flagged after expressing your opposition to the government to your mate in a private chat.

All collected data can be abused like that,
or by other means (E.g. a country at war gets hacked, which could lead to leaking critical private information on political/defensive decisions).

To me the question is not if data collected on you will be abused, but rather when will it be abused?

Just having it stored somewhere imposes risks.

Privacy should be a basic human right.
Data collection could be massively abused by oppressive governments.

Not caring about it = Not caring about your rights.

Would be handy if they included a pre-written pdf to oppose this proposition + emails or forms to easily submit your opposition to each of the countries.

Instead it’s a general “contact your government”,
which 99% of normal people do not know how to do, me included.

Never give up,
each eye you poke out is one less they can use for data collection.

It’s a slow process and they’ll grow more eyes,
but the less they have on you,
the more private you’ll be.

Dear politicians,
stop assaulting our rights,
and start fighting for our rights,
unless you’d like to be yeeted out of parliament.

With kind regards,
every aware citizen.

RedLib, the continuation of LibReddit,
still works:

I use it in combination with this GreaseMonkey script,
to redirect me to a random RedLib instance:

Due to instances often going down and/or stop working.

This is not a fair comparison.

Instead you should compare Chrome with FireFox.
And Brave (privacy focused Chrome fork)
with LibreWolf (privacy focused FireFox fork).

I’ll stick with LibreWolf,
no way I’ll drive anything Chromium based as my main browser.