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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: May 19, 2021


You need a full 8.1 surround lock system. These can be pricey, but I recommend this one from EcoBee. They typically run around $1300 each, but they come with elastiglass replacement if your window breaks under their protection, which I think is worth it.

I’ve debated getting rid of windows entirely to remove the risk, but I think I have enough protections in place for now.

I just gave it a review. They don’t seem to read the reviews, but maybe someone else will see it and agree.

That was my thought, too. But what’s the worst that could happen in that scenario? “Oh no, that guy keeps getting free drinks.” Big whoop, you already have plenty of people actually paying for your overpriced drinks. I don’t know, it’s really dumb.

It’s been getting ridiculous. One of the apps on my partner’s phone recently warned that they wouldn’t open with Developer options enabled.

This app is a fucking drink menu and digital punch card for a popular coffee shop, what could be done from the developer options that affects this app in any way? Especially since I only enabled developer options to speed up the godawful Android animations. Out of principal I’ve stopped going there and deleted the app.

Here’s a massive list of “Alternative Internet” software. There are some blockchain items in there, but otherwise it’s pretty extensive.

Alternatively, you switch to LanguageTool because it does the same thing but it is privacy minded.

There is a Microsoft Approved way of getting Xbox Cloud Gaming to work on Steam Deck. I haven’t tried doing it on Linux proper, but it would be weird if they didn’t allow it.

As a non-user of Gamepass, I don’t know if this is acceptable or not, but it’s the only thing I am aware of.