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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Linus explored that bug, it’s not so much with recent laptops as it is with Windows sleep in general. For some god forsaken reason, if your laptop is connected to a network while plugged in and you put it to sleep, and then unplug your laptop from the power, it will burn through its battery and die. This doesn’t happen if you unplug your laptop before you put it into sleep mode. My guess is that while it’s plugged in, Windows thinks it’s fine for it to run a bit hotter, but when you unplug it while it’s in sleep mode, it doesn’t realise it’s not plugged in anymore and drains the battery. Idk how they have still not fixed this after many years, but it is still a problem.

This is a non-argument. The fact the website is shit has nothing to do with the fact that ads are the payment method. If you don’t like the site, don’t use it. Nobody is forcing you.

If you saw a product in the store that costs double another equal product, would you go scream at the manager that this is outrageous? Or would you just buy the cheaper one and let the more expensive one go out of business.

Yes, an ad blocker would make the site more usable, but so would just taking the product without paying.

What? No. Their product is the website. It’s like you come into a store, and just take the newspaper without paying.

I’m amazed at how angry people are at ads. I agree that this change would be terrible purely because of the customization thing, but people at some point are going to have to realise that there is no such thing as free lunch. You’re using their service/web site, they say you have to pay by watching ads and thats the deal you have. If you don’t like it, don’t use it, because if ads weren’t a thing, the whole internet would be paywalled (apart from the sites people host from their own cash/donations). The internet and big tech has for so long taken the stance to grow fast make money later, but many never do. I feel like the time of reckoning is soon upon a large part of the internet, where if they don’t make money, they’ll vanish.

Edit: just so I clear it up before anybody starts yelling at me about it, I am very much against this change for multiple reasons, but it’s just that it triggered me to see so many people attacking the wrong thing. We’ve just become spoiled by unsustainable startup practices and have lost touch with reality.

It could be useful if somebody somehow finds out their password, e.g. by shoulder surfing or perhas some other way.

Then their attack window is much more limited.