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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


i hope that everyone realises that the benefit of activitypub has nothing to do with mastodon taking to mastodon, lemmy talking to lemmy, etc but the strength is tooting a reply to a peertube video and having a discussion on lemmy in which all these comments are shared

… bluesky has none of this

however, what bluesky has:

  • (currently) the sign up process is easy: you don’t need to understand federation or why to choose a server - you just… register
  • honestly, more people interact in the circles that i’m in (no; it’s not furry: i hear though that their population has exploded though) critical mass is more important than anything for a social platform
  • custom feeds are legit cool af… i don’t have time to filter posts and we can’t expect people to add their own metadata; i want code to do it for me! its like “the algorithm” is now many and you can choose which one depending on your mood… also if you don’t like it you can choose a whole new one that some random 3rd party wrote, or make one yourself

none of that is intrinsic to bsky, or will remain in the long-term i think (federation implies needing a more complex sign-up process)

hey i never said that i believe it… you’re right it sounds like BS, or more likely as someone said: sounds like an april fools page that got left up

but it’s good to be wary of software in general, and to know its limitations

OSes have protections built in, yup, but that’s no guarantee. we like hardware switches because there’s physically no way that the mic/cam can be in use: software is always 1 bug or exploit away from not doing what it’s supposed to

mine was set to private only, but i’ve had ios17 since one of the early betas

we have plenty of solutions to this though… we have quantum-safe encryption

afaik how these work is that currently cracking encryption is CPU-bound (takes a lot of CPU resources to find the key) which quantum can do much faster… there are classes of encryption that are RAM-bound though, which mean that quantum still can’t crack them because it doesn’t give us huge amounts of storage

yeah… you can’t publish a “the best” list like this that doesn’t include the most popular/well-know options without at least writing a little bit about why not those alternatives

to me, it feels a little less like a “the best” and more a “the best that happens to be developed in a reasonable OSS-friendly fashion”

automatic auto fill is where your u/p is filled when you load the page with no interaction required

requiring an interaction to fill the u/p means you expect there to be a login box to fill, which can mitigate certain kinds of compromise

i think it makes sense… that’s the pattern with a lot of FOSS but for-profit: make the hard (but generic) functionality FOSS and then make your “skin” that ties it all together, thing that makes it pretty, the differentiator closed and sell that

importantly though Beeper also built a lot of the bridges and maintain a lot more as FOSS

unsure about using a FOSS client with their service, but you can definitely use a FOSS client with their bridges that you host yourself and it’s functionally very similar AFAIK

yes and no… the browser ENGINE sure, but that’s kinda like saying that brave is just a skin of chrome