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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: May 03, 2024


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange won the right to challenge a British court’s decision to extradite him to the U.S. to face espionage charges

Emphasis mine, since the headline is poorly worded. He didn’t win an appeal, the court agreed that he can appeal. He still could be shipped off to the US and then eventually <blacksite prison name not found>.

Watching the GN video was insane because I had that exact same experience with ASUS 10 years ago. Back when they made the Nexus 7. I had to RMA 3 of those dam things and each time I had to go through that song and dance with the RMA forms. I think when the 4th one failed I just gave up, recycled it, and moved on from this company as a whole.

Looks like nothing’s changed, which means this way of treating their customers is endemic at this point. They’re a lost cause.

LTT has social media accounts everywhere. They could’ve uploaded to floatplane and posted that link instead.

Not that I blame him for using YouTube but it’s the same chicken and egg problem we’ve had for awhile. No one uses alternatives because the creators aren’t there, and they’re not there because viewers aren’t either.