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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Dec 10, 2023


The problem is that in the past you would have your rates increased because you get into accidents because of bad drivers like this or the kind of car you drive being more popular with bad drivers. Driving slower will cause you to get into more accidents. Now they can do a root cause analysis and find the true reason for accidents. Unfortunately if you can afford higher rates then this doesn’t help anyone. States should have stepped in a long time ago to make getting a license more difficult and making testing more frequent.

There’s alternatives out there, unless you have specific contract obligations.

It’s a making scheme like windows 95, 98, & 2k. They don’t call it Windows 11 server.

Used Vehicles became more valuable over the past few years as new vehicle production was issued halted in early 2020 and supply chain issues plagued manufacturers for a few years after that. Used car prices are just now starting to come down. I hardly ever saw cars for sale by owner that didn’t have over 200k miles on them and weren’t models plagued with major issues. People were still asking $5k for absolute junk. My advice over the past few years has been to buy a new car as it’s a much better value over any used car at the moment.

They’ll never give a review like that because they need manufacturers to send them more cars to review.