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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Sep 05, 2023


Aiming for a future in IT security, I find this branch of computer science somewhat ironic. You basically work to make your future work harder, i.e. you make things more secure, making your job of finding vulnerabilities even more difficult. Still a sucker for it, though

We need an open source smart tag. I recently researched how the landscape has changed and, as an android user, still nothing good in available. I’m not sure if I remember right, but Google’s find my device was supposed to be open source or at least open spec? Might be worth looking into how easy it would be to code a lil firmware for this network myself. As much as I’d love a tag for things I cannot lose, the current options are throwing money away for no actual useful tracking (Samsung), forfeit your privacy (Tile, perhaps others), sell your soul (Apple).

Because that’s their thing. That’s the first thing that’s right in your face when you open their website. It’s like asking why AdGuard or even PiHole block DNS results.