Numbers can be fun if you play with them a bit. We may not always agree but I’ll be your friend if you ever need one.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Woah look at this doosh trying to shit on someone making a self deprecating joke. Must be nice to live such an empty and unfulfilling life.

Hey I got an idea! You could just not be a massive dickhead? Maybe try it out for a day! See how it feels?

Cool. Let me file you’re opinion under “things I don’t give a shit about”.

Hmmm maybe this is why I don’t have friends 🤔🤣

I don’t have any friends so this kind of issue rarely impact me 🤣

I agree with you. I don’t understand why people are arguing that something less developed or stable is a valid reason to use something like discord, a widely anti privacy focused platform; to discuss privacy related topics.

You can argue that it’s more stable but the cost is shepherding users into a platform they might think is secure by promoting it. In my opinion that’s worse because it lulls uneducated users into a false sense of security by having the community use and engage with each other there. The implication alone might cause some people not to second guess it since it’s supported by the community and that’s a problem for me personally.

I always go with “” when filling out forms. Doesn’t always work but it works more often than not.

I don’t see how that being true dismisses the fact they still did this. Something can both be popular and run like a monopoly.

Travel? I met my wife while I was in Taiwan. I’m not suggesting any place in particular but people are always a little more friendly to foreigners if you go to the right places and don’t act like and entitled doosh 😅

I must have missed it. I’m using mobile right now. Thanks for pointing it out.

No linux support? I didn’t see anything on the site.

Nope, fuck that. I’m done giving my personal info out to random ass places for exactly this reason. I don’t trust you with it anymore and the lure of “massive cryptocurrency gains” is long dead and gone. There are only a few cryptos I even still trade but my financial institution lets me trade those coins so I’m fine.

Oh and don’t give me the “not your keys not your coins” argument either. It doesn’t matter, most of these shit coins get rugged anyways so it doesn’t matter if I keep it with a bank, my own wallet or an exchange. At least with my financial institution I can conduct all my trades in one place and minimize security risks by not having so many financial accounts open, or to close for that matter. Also it’s easier to file my taxes this way.

Okay rant over. Thanks for reading.

Woo! Everyone’s getting Arch on Monday 🤣🍻

On a more serious note I’ll take it under advisement.

My company has no IT department they recently asked me if I wanted to help out with that and I reminded them that I only do linux and programming shit for fun and that doesn’t make me qualified to craft IT policy for the entire company 😅